Did you know...

Did you know... Tenant or Occupant – Who??? There is a difference between a tenant and an occupant. A tenant, also known as a lessee, is legally responsible for the terms of the lease. An occupant has no leasehold rights to the property but does have the right to occupy the premises.  This right is derived from the tenant’s rights. The occupant can […]
Did you know... TOO MUCH STUFF – HOARDING Hoarding is officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as a mental disorder.  The Federal Fair Housing Act says that equal housing must be given to persons who are a member of a protected class, such as for those with a disability.  This, in turn, means that landlords must make “reasonable accommodations” for a hoarder.  […]
Did you know... TIMING IS EVERYTHING! (2) Not more than seventy-two hours, where the defective condition deprives the tenant of the use of a refrigerator, range and oven, or a major plumbing fixture supplied by the landlord; and (3) Not more than ten days in all other cases. We are here to help you and your clients comply with all aspects […]
Did you know... We Rent IT – You do the rest… (Certain restrictions apply – not with the fees, but regarding the forms.) We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance. There are no warranties, express or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose, made with respect to this communication. Nothing found herein […]
Did you know... RESIDENTIAL LEASE TERMINATION We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance! There are no warranties, express or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose, made with respect to this communication. Nothing found herein should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a […]
Did you know... TENANT GONE – PERSONAL PROPERTY REMAINS – WASHINGTON STATE There are no warranties, express or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose, made with respect to this communication. Nothing found herein should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a legal opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of law. You should obtain the advice of an attorney well versed in these […]
Did you know... RENT CONTROLS? – RENT CAPS? An open letter from a tenant to an investor buyer is here:  http://www.seattleweekly.com/home/957584-129/a-letter-to-the-investor-buying. A response from a landlord is here: http://www.seattleweekly.com/news/957707-129/a-letter-to-the-tenant-who. This is an important debate. We do agree with the landlord though, that policies must be created impartially in order to prevent discrimination. We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects […]
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Did you know... At Your “SERVICE ANIMAL” Snakes for "service animals"
Did you know... WHO’S RESPONSIBILITY?? Tenants are jointly and severally responsible for the terms of the lease. This means that any one tenant can be held liable for all of the responsibilities associated with the lease, including the entire rental payment plus payment for any damages. This also means that when the landlord completes the deposit accounting, any refund should […]
Did you know... RENTAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT We are seeing a significant increase in investor clients.  Renting as a lifestyle choice is becoming more popular, which is one of the factors investors site for buying a rental property now. Some 2 million new renter-occupied households were added in 2014, according to a January 28 report from the U.S. Census Bureau.  The 2 […]
Did you know... MAINTAIN THE PROPERTY Washington State Law requires landlords to maintain the rental property.  HUD helps define what that means: HUD  requires  that  the  site and neighborhood must be reasonably  free  from  disturbing  noises and  other  dangers  to  the  health, safety,  and  general  welfare  of  the occupants.  The  site  and neighborhood may not be subject to serious adverse  environmental  […]
Did you know... TAX REPORTING – The Small Business Jobs Act Under the Small Business Jobs Act, landlords are required to report to the IRS payments of $600 or more to a vendor or service provider in the course of the year. This is done by issuing a 1099-MISC form.  This requirement started in 2011 and includes payments to service providers such as plumbers, carpenters, yard […]
Did you know... RENTAL PROPERTY – WASHINGTON STATE – HOLDING DEPOSIT If the tenant doesn’t move in, the landlord may keep the holding deposit as long as doing so is in accordance with the statement of conditions given to the prospective tenant.  (RCW 59.18.253) In other words, if the landlord wants the prospective tenant to pay any money prior to move in, a receipt and these […]
Did you know... RAISE THE RENT?? WAIT A MINUTE!!! Current Washington state law requires a 30 day notice to raise rent.  Within the Seattle City limits a 60 day notice is required for an increase of 10% or more.  Under proposed legislation the requirement state wide would be for a 90 day notice of any rent increase of more than 10%.  […]
Did you know... DEPOSIT DISPUTES Unresolved disputes may result in a trip to small claims court.  Judges will want to see a lease with clauses that support the charges against the tenant’s deposit.  A complete move in/move out inspection report showing both the condition when the tenant took possession and at move out will be critical.  Copies of invoices documenting […]
Did you know... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Did you know... NOT CLEAR OR UNDERSTANDABLE? To  meet Fair Housing laws, accommodations may be required to assist disabled tenants as early as the application process. For example: Tenants with vision disabilities – Read the application and/or lease aloud to the applicant. Tenants with cognitive disabilities – Write application, rental agreement and notices in clear and simple terms; explain rental agreement and […]