Did you know... February 17, 2015


Washington State Law requires landlords to maintain the rental property.  HUD helps define what that means:

HUD  requires  that  the  site and neighborhood must be reasonably  free  from  disturbing  noises and  other  dangers  to  the  health, safety,  and  general  welfare  of  the occupants.  The  site  and neighborhood may not be subject to serious adverse  environmental  conditions, natural  or  manmade,  such  as  dangerous  walks  or  steps;  instability; flooding, poor drainage, septic tank  backups or sewage hazards; mudslides; abnormal air pollution, smoke or dust; excessive noise, vibration or vehicular traffic; excessive  accumulations  of  trash;  vermin  or rodent infestation; or fire hazards.

It is important to monitor these areas on the property and do preventative maintenance to eliminate these hazards before there is an injury or complaint.

We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance!

Nothing found herein should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a legal opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of law. You should obtain the advice of an attorney well versed in these matters.