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Did you know... INVESTORS & INSURANCE In addition, many HOAs have large deductibles in order to keep premiums down.  Finally, the HOA policy will not cover landlord liability.  Even if the mortgage company doesn’t require additional insurance, your client should talk to an insurance agent. We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. […]
Did you know... SLUMLORD ALERT! Washington State has a “slumlord accountability” law.  RCW 59.18.085 requires landlords to pay relocation assistance to displaced tenants whose properties are condemned due to code, ordinance or other statute violations.  The relocation assistance shall be the greater of $2,000 or three times one month’s rent.  The landlord must also refund the entire deposit and any […]
Did you know... CO DETECTORS – WASHINGTON STATE State Building Code Council: https://fortress.wa.gov/ga/apps/sbcc/Page.aspx?cid=976 We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance! There are no warranties, express or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose, made with respect to this communication. Nothing found herein should be construed as an attempt […]
Did you know... WHO’S ON FIRST??? In our opinion, the best policy for screening potential rental tenants is first come, first served – a policy which the City of Seattle just imposed on landlords.  The law goes into effect on January 1, 2017. However, our policy is that if multiple applications are received at approximately the same time, i.e., no application […]
Did you know... BUYER OF RENTAL PROPERTY A buyer of a rental property cannot give notice to vacate to the tenant until the buyer actually owns the property. After closing any notice is subject to the terms of the lease as well as local and state laws.  Also, neither the listing nor the selling broker has the authority to give notice to […]
Did you know... WHAT IS “NORMAL” ANYWAY? Washington state law says a tenant cannot be charged for any normal wear and tear that occurs to the rental property.  Even if a tenant does damage to the property the cost of repair or replacement may need to be depreciated.  For instance, HUD says that interior paint in a rental has a life expectancy […]
Did you know... Criminal History Caution must be used when denying tenancy on the basis of the criminal history of the applicant.  HUD recently issued guidelines which indicate that a blanket policy denying tenancy if the applicant has any criminal history would be considered a violation of the Fair Housing Act.  Instead, any landlord who denies tenancy based on criminal […]
Did you know... Accessory Dwelling Unit An owner-occupied property with an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) may be considered a duplex if sold to an investor who rents both units. Typically, it is easier to get zoning permission for an owner-occupied property with an ADU than for a duplex.  If a rental property is found to be in violation of local codes, […]
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Did you know... SEATTLE MULTIFAMILY REGULATION – (one of many) In the city of Seattle, owners of some multi-family properties are required to notify the city prior to listing the property for sale.  When the property contains five or more units and at least one of the units is considered affordable to a household earning 80% or less of area median income, the owner must […]
Did you know... WHY US?
Did you know... HAVE A HAPPY 4TH!!!
Did you know... PETS According to the Humane Society, 72% of all rental households in America have a pet. And, according to Realtor.com, 52% of all households in Seattle have a dog and “four-legged pets outnumber babies.” Allowing pets on a case-by-case basis not only greatly increases the potential tenant base, it also gives the owner more control over […]
Did you know... HAPPY SUMMER!!
Did you know... LANDLORD/TENANT LAW – Washington State The Washington State legislature has amended the Residential Landlord Tenant Act. (RCW 59.18) One change is that the time for landlords to provide an accounting of the tenant’s deposit after the tenant vacates has been extended from 14 to 21 days. The change goes into effect on June 9, 2016. Since the law does not […]
Did you know... The Vanishing Tenant – Washington State If a tenant abandons the rental property, the landlord can take possession.  The tenant must have indicated by word or deeds AND have unpaid rent before the landlord can declare the property abandoned.  If the tenant abandons any personal property that has either emotional or financial value, it must be stored for 45 days and […]
Did you know... LANDLORD INSURANCE If the seller wants to rent back after closing, the buyer may need a landlord insurance policy, even if the seller will only be in possession a few days.  If the buyer obtains a homeowner policy, where the assumption is that the owner will be residing in the home and something happens, the insurance company […]
Did you know... RENTALS & THE MILITARY Washington State and Federal Laws state that a member of the armed forces may terminate a lease mid-term if the tenant is reassigned or deployed.  This option to terminate a lease extends to spouses and dependents of the member of the armed forces.  The law requires the tenant to promptly provide a copy of the […]
Did you know... AUTOMATIC RESCISSION? There are no automatic rights of rescission in a Lease/Rental Agreement.  Unlike a Purchase and Sale Agreement, there are no inspection contingencies or neighborhood review provisions nor does the tenant have three days from the date of mutual acceptance to terminate the agreement if problems are found or if the tenant changes his/her mind.  Furthermore, […]
Did you know... MARRIED? SINGLE? OR… Marital status is a protected class in Washington State.  Marital status includes being single, married, separated, engaged, widowed and divorced.  In the City of Seattle and in unincorporated King County marital status includes cohabitating. We are here to help you and your clients comply with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for […]
Did you know... MOBILE HOME LAW – Washington State We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance! There are no warranties, express or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose, made with respect to this communication. Nothing found herein should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a […]