Did you know... June 21, 2021


While the governor’s eviction moratorium is scheduled to expire on June 30th, some cities have created local moratoriums.  Governor Inslee apparently hasn’t decided whether to extend the state eviction moratorium again, but some cities aren’t waiting for his decision.

•         The Kirkland City Council adopted, in a four to three vote, an ordinance providing for a temporary moratorium on residential tenant evictions in Kirkland due to the COVID-19 pandemic through September 30, 2021.

•         Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is extending the city’s COVID-19 moratorium on evictions, through September 30th, with the intention of providing more time for rental assistance to reach tenants.

•         Kenmore voted to extend that city’s eviction moratorium through September.

•         Auburn’s Rental Housing Code establishes temporary protections for tenants who have fallen behind on their rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic through July 1, 2021.

•         City of Burien is considering an eviction moratorium, Ordinance No. 773, modelled after Kirkland’s ordinance.

We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance!

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