Did you know... May 20, 2019


The Washington legislature made significant changes to the Residential Landlord Tenant Act.  The changes in Senate Bill 5600 go into effect on July 27, 2019 and include:

~A 60-day notice to increase rent will be required unless the rent amount is based on income.  Outside of Seattle and Tacoma, currently a 30-day notice is required to increase rent.

~A 14-day notice will be required to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent. Currently, a landlord can issue a 3-day notice to vacate for non-payment of rent.

~Judges will be able to consider “equitable factors” such as hardship or illness, when asked to grant an eviction order.

Additional notice time will be required if a landlord gives a notice to vacate due to demolition or other change in use of the rental property.  Landlords are also required to apply payments towards rent first and other charges, such as late fees, legal fees, or utility payments after rent is paid.

We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance!

Nothing found herein should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a legal opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of law. You should not rely solely on this information. We encourage our clients to work with a lawyer experienced in commercial and/or residential real estate matters as they can be complicated and confusing.