Did you know... September 17, 2018


The city of Tacoma, Washington is considering a Just Cause Eviction Ordinance similar to Seattle’s.  The drafted provisions include:

  • 60-day notice requirement for rent increases

  • 60-day notice requirements for termination of tenancy

  • Relocation assistance ordinance which requires owners to host in-person meetings with tenants

  • Move-in fee installment payments

  • Requirement that owners inform tenants of any code violations at the property within the past 12 months – even if caused by the tenant

  • Requirement that owners provide an “information for tenants” packet to renters

While they consider these provisions, the city has passed an ordinance which requires landlords to give tenants a 90 days’ notice when tenancy is being terminated due to “demolition, substantial rehabilitation or change of use of a residential dwelling.”  This law goes into effect on September 30, 2018.

We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance!

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