Did you know... July 16, 2018


The increase in new construction apartments has resulted in higher vacancy rates and lower rents.  In Seattle, new apartments are offering up to two months free rent.  According to CoreLogic, vacancy rates in apartments range from 3.9% in Des Moines to 25% in downtown Seattle.  This has impacted the single-family rental market as well, which had the slowest increase in rents since the recession this year.

In 2017, Seattle’s rent growth was the highest in the country with a 5.2% increase year-over-year.  In 2018, Seattle’s rent growth dropped to 22nd in the nation, according to ApartmentList.com.  Rent growth also slowed in Portland.  Nationally, rent grown has slowed from 3.6% in 2015 to 1.5% year over year in 2018.

We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the rental market. Please contact us for further assistance!

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