Did you know... September 18, 2017

Department of Justice Lawsuit

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently setscale of justicetled a lawsuit with a landlord in Edmonds, Washington for refusing to rent to families with children.  The complaint was filed with HUD in 2014 and the DOJ just settled the case.  The settlement includes the following:

  • Pay a total monetary settlement of $95,000, comprised of:

    • $35,000 in damages to a family that they turned away because the family had a small child;

    • $35,000 that will be used to compensate other families that were harmed by defendants’ practices; and

    • $25,000 as a civil penalty to the United States;

  • Adopt non-discriminatory policies and practices that ensure compliance with Fair Housing Act; and

  • Submit to record keeping and monitoring requirements for the three-year period of the settlement agreement.

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